TONIGHT! Knitalong Book Event @ Twisted PDX

Home Yarncraft

Portland-area folks should make a point of stopping by Twisted this evening, where Knitalong author Larissa Brown and photographer/designer Sarah Gilbert will be signing books and helping lead a Mother’s Day gift-making extravaganza. The featured project? The Magic Yarn Ball, big orb of yarn that’s packed with small treats and accessories–perfect for gift-giving.
Knitalong Event
Thursday, May 8, 6-8pm
@ Twisted PDX
2310 NE Broadway,
Portland, OR 97232
ph: 503-922-1150

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Jenny Ryan

Jenny Ryan is an artist, crafter, and maker of things. She lives in Los Angeles with a pack of various animals (including her husband) and writes about her adventures in creating at Exit Through the Thrift Shop.

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