In case you missed it, the theme for October is “casting materials,” chosen strategically, of course, to resonate with the mounting excitement about everybody’s favorite maker holiday—Halloween! Whether you’re making wearables or hand-held props, there’s probably a method, material, or technique in our archives that will inspire you to take your costume to the next level. To start things off, here’s a sampling of some of my personal favorite casting- and moldmaking-related posts, from past months, and I couldn’t resist leading in with a bit of inspiration from about this time last year—a roundup of some of the raddest, baddest, yes-I-daresay-bitchin’est prop weapons we’ve ever posted. Enjoy!
Custom Piece Molded from 3D-printed Parts
Choosing a Sillicone for Casting Soft Buttons
How-To: Duplicate Vinyl Records by Casting
Heart Mold from Homebrew Silicone
Sci-Fi Propcasting Tutorial from Shawn Thorsson
DIY Casting Silicone from Caulk, Pourable Version
Did I miss a good one? Let me know, below?