Michael Shiloh with some old-school breadboarding
Working with EL wire
REALLY old-school breadboarding
I love the concept behind the Bay Area Workshop Weekend event — take the inspiration and enthusiasm generated from Maker Faire Bay Area and present a series of workshops the follow weekend so that folks can learn what they saw at the Faire. Nearly 100 people did just that, on May 28 and 29. They participated in some 15 workshops at Tech Liminal, Hacker Dojo, The Crucible, Noisebridge, and other spaces around SF. Event organizer J.D. Zamfirescu tells us that the most popular draws were Sewing with Electronics, Sequence your own DNA, Distillation Basics, Learn to Solder, and Electroluminescent (EL) wire. Here are some pics from the weekend. There are few more after the jump and on their website.
Mitch Altman points out some distillation basics
We’re sure they meant to be wearing safety glasses!