Make: Video “star” Jimmy DiResta hoists his toolbox at the Make: Workshop tent, where he, Joe Szuecs, and Breck Baldwin are building fun things all day. (Gregory Hayes/MAKE)
Yesterday was a whirlwind of activity as the gates opened on World Maker Faire 2012 and we prayed that the rain would be held at bay and NYC train troubles wouldn’t prevent fairgoers from getting to the NY Hall of Science. Neither of these could keep tens of thousands of people from enjoying a day of makers showing off their wares and discussing what they do and why, and soaking up hundreds of demos, presentations, exhibits, and a pervasive spirit of homegrown creativity. Here is a slideshow from photographer Greg Hayes that captures a little slice of the day.
[make_slideshow slug=”maker-faire-day-1″ title=”2012 World Maker Faire, Day 1″ link=”Start the Slideshow”]