From New World Geek comes this curious strategy for dealing with hard times. Two Seattle architects have set up a Lucy from Peanuts-like 5¢ advice booth in a Seattle farmer’s market. Their mission:
Architecture 5¢ is about starting conversations, it’s that simple. People have questions about how they want to live in their home; whether it is a simple kitchen remodel or adding a second story on their house, it all starts with a conversation.
When you talk to people in your neighborhood about architecture you can start a ripple effect that can impact your local economy. One local nickel turns into one conversation, which could turn into one local design job, built by a local contractor, who hires a local painter, who buys from a local supplier…..
If we all start conversations, and start ripples across the nation, we can start a wave of hope and prosperity that can get us out of these tough times. I’m looking for like minded individuals to join me in this movement. Maybe you were laid off and not found work, or are just feeling the pinch of the economy.
I’m looking for people who want to help their local neighborhood, and in turn help themselves out of a tough situation.
Not really sure if this is an effective strategy, but it sure is a creative and magnanimous one.