Ask MAKE is a weekly column where we answer reader questions, like yours. Write them in to or drop us a line on Twitter. We can’t wait to tackle your conundrums!
This week’s question comes to us via CRAFT contributor Rachel Hobson. Her friend Kari is mother to a “true maker in the making.” Kari writes:
Sam’s birthday is a week from Sunday and I’m thinking of putting together a toolkit/box o’ gadgets for him. Things to help him take stuff apart, things that he can do little experiments with, stuff like that. I’m thinking of a tiny screwdriver, electrical tape, maybe a hammer. He already has a tape measure. I don’t know what else would be cool and fun and good for a seven-year-old. I want this to be the “big” item for him, a big toolbox with a bunch of wrapped things inside.
We passed this question around on the Make: Online Editors mailing list, and got a lot of neat suggestions. I’m sure these won’t all fit for Sam’s birthday, but at least its a jumping-off point!
- third hand tool with magnifying glass (for holding and inspecting stuff)
- small flashlight or head-mounted light
- needle-nose pliers
- gaffers tape (not as messy as duct tape)
- safety goggles
- wire cutters
- ruler or square
- multimeter
- Maker’s Notebook (we’ll toss that one in for free, happy birthday, Sam!)
- zip ties
- some junk to take apart (CD drive, old radio, etc.)
- wire nuts
- battery tester
- battery clips
- battery tester
- tire pressure gauge
If you have any suggestions for a seven year-old’s first toolbox, please post them in the comments below!
Above image is cc-by-nc-sa by Flickr user Austin ampersand Zak.