Cardboard Playhouse is a Wonderful, Green Holiday Gift for Younger Kids
This Little Piggy’s Playhouse, designed by an architect for their kid, is an all-cardboard playhouse, made in the USA from 100% recyclable materials. They come in regular cardboard brown, or white – all the better for coloring! And, I have to say, compared to similar items we’ve seen elsewhere, it’s pretty reasonably priced.
10 Christmas Songs I’m Already Sick Of (and 10 Geeky Alternatives)
We are scarcely into the month of December, and I am already dreadfully tired of classic Christmas music and, for that matter, many of its more contemporary alternatives. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve got Christmas Spirit™ to spare, but the relentless audio assault of this holiday-themed musical fare has long since crossed the threshold from seasonally appropriate and into the realm of the obnoxious.
GeekDad Holiday Gift Guide #5: Toys for Dads & Kids to Share
A long-winded title but it points out a truism: the best thing about being a geek are the toys, and the best thing about being a GeekDad is playing with your kids with those toys.
The GeekDads Episode 33: The Dragon Really is a Duck
The GeekDads talk about videogames for the whole family with X-Play host Adam Sessler.
Coming Soon: The Twelve Days of Geekmas
Starting December 12th, we at GeekDad will be celebrating the 12 Days of Geekmas (or 12DOG, for those in the know). We will be taking a look back over the amazing year we’ve had on GeekDad, and giving away some pretty awesome stuff, including special items from Wil Wheaton, ThinkGeek, Arts & Entertainment Television, and many of our HipTrax bands. So activate the nostalgia circuit, and stay tuned!