In the 50’s and 60’s John T. Frye, W9EGV / Popular Electronics published a series of fiction stories called “The Carl and Jerry stories” – In each story the pair acquired new skills, got their ham radio licenses and used their knowledge of electronics to get out of a jam or solve a mystery – there isn’t a complete collection of all the stories that I know of, but there are some scans / text online. The stories are entertaining, fun and I can imagine how many engineers, scientists and Makers got their start from reading these wonderful tales – about & index.
Carl & Jerry install a transmitter on a car to catch insurance fraud…
“”That’s it!” Jerry exclaimed, jumping to his feet and bumping his head on the plane wing in the process. “We build a ten-meter transistorized transmitter -transistors can take the shock- in a steel case and fasten it to the bottom of the car with a spring-loaded clamp. A crash will throw the transmitter free and start it sending. We install a transistorized ten-meter receiver and direction-finding loop antenna that we use for hidden transmitter hunts in Bill’s plane. You fellows alert us when you think the Monks may stage their accident, and we take to the air. As soon as the wreck occurs, we pick up the signal and quickly track it to its source. The location is relayed to you on the plane’s radio, and you rush out and try to catch young Monk flagrante delicto. How’s that?” – “very good, including your legal Latin,” Mr. Ringle replied. “It sounds just wacky enough to work. But how long will it take you to build the transmitter?”
“We’ll be ready to install it on the car tomorrow morning and can check it out in a couple of hours,” Jerry promised.
“Good enough!” Mr. Ringle said enthusiastically. “See you tomorrow.” – More…