City Sampler – San Francisco/Bay Area

Hey Crafters in the SF/Bay Area! The Sampler’s got a new project, City Sampler.
Here’s the details from the site:

City Sampler will focus on artists, crafters and small businesses native to certain locales across the country. Along with samples from Contributors in each city, we’ll be including a ton of information, maps, promotional products, postcards and more to give each recipient of the City Sampler a real taste of the local flavor.
The basics of contributing to the City Sampler are:

  • minimum 10 sample contribution, max 100
  • promos in all City Samplers, plus promos in the Sampler — as many promos as you’d like to send!
  • product photos in the City Sampler Gallery
  • business info in every City Sampler Guide included in every City Sampler (no matter how many samples you send in)

If your a local crafty biz, find out how you can contribute to the City Sampler to promote your business. – Link.

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