This July at Pier 32 in San Francisco, there’s going to be a huge convergence of your favorite science and maker celebrities for an event called Open Sauce Live. This event has been described as something in between VidCon and Maker Faire, showcasing the most popular and influential science based creators you can think of.
The current list of creators is already impressive as you can see above, and it keeps growing every day. There are going to be talks and panels, as you’d expect. There will also be showcases and demos of some of the projects you’ve seen and loved from these creators.
On top of these stars, there is an open floor where exhibitors will be showing off their channels and creations. From race car engineering to automated food robots, you’re going to see the wildest and most advanced tinkering that is out there. Applications are currently open for spots on the floor, but space is limited, so if you’re going to apply, you better do it soon!
While some things are still being nailed down and solidified, the current expectations are to have over 75 featured youtube creators, combat robotics, fireside chats, and chances to meet these awesome folks. I’ll be going, and even helping to do some announcing on stage, and I’m super excited. I hope to see you there!