Converting a Lawnmower IC engine to steam

Converting a Lawnmower IC engine to steam

Dcp 0138
Our steam powered pal Crab Fu sent in this site for converting IC (mower) engines to steam…

Lynx steam engines has refined its focus to small scale 1-5 hp stationary steam engines utilizing monotube or flash power generators. Uni-flow, counter-flow, bash valve and diaphram engines are all in parallel development. Fuels such as bio-mass, wood pellets, ethanol, bio-diesel (vegetable oil) are all good candidates for the technology.

The external combustion engine really doesnt care what is burned, it is the heat that is carried by the steam that creates power.

Whether you are interested in renewable fuels, or powering your cabin when its off grid there is something here for you.

There have been so many requests for information and for parts and plans that this site now lists all the products for sale that have been in demand. Check out how to convert a lawn mower engine, how to size a monotube boiler, find parts you need, how to size a system, photos and videos of engines, and burners in action.


  • Lynx Motors – Link.
  • Converting a Lawnmower IC engine to steam – Link.

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