Cool Crowdfunding: CNC Lathe, Antikythera, and Lasers - Make: Cool Crowdfunding: CNC Lathe, Antikythera, and Lasers - Make:

Cool Crowdfunding: CNC Lathe, Antikythera, and Lasers

Maker News
Cool Crowdfunding: CNC Lathe, Antikythera, and Lasers

We receive so many pitches for crowdfunding projects. They pour into our inbox daily. Since crowdfunding is a bit of a gamble, it is always kind of hard to determine just how to write about these projects, considering that many of them may not ever deliver. Cool Crowdfunding is our way of sharing some of the ones that catch our eye. 

Remember, some of the crowdfunding projects from our previous Cool Crowdfunding collections may still be active! Go back and check them out to see if there’s anything you shouldn’t miss.

Rownd CNC Lathe

this is an interesting machine for the hobby machinist out there. It seems to be a well packaged cnc lathe with decent specs for a desktop unit. 800W spindle, optional laser engraver, automatic tool changer, and 4th axis. I also think it looks really cool for a makerspace, school, or small business.

Find it on Kickstarter

Open Antikythera

The Antikythera device has long been a geek staple, both in the skill construction and in the mysterious mythos surrounding it. We actually know pretty well what it is and how it works, and now this open kit is looking to allow you to replicate the mechanism at home.

Find it on Kickstarter

Gweike G2 fiber laser

Fiber lasers are getting cheaper and more common and thankfully, even getting some decent updates to the design and portability. The Gweike G2 looks like a pretty useful machine. Boasting 20W fiber power, portable design, and fast galvo action, it could be a winner.

Find it on Kickstarter

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I get ridiculously excited seeing people make things. I just want to revel in the creativity I see in makers. My favorite thing in the world is sharing a maker's story. find me at

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