Cool Crowdfunding: Massive 3D Printers And Powerful 3D Scanners - Make: Cool Crowdfunding: Massive 3D Printers And Powerful 3D Scanners - Make:

Cool Crowdfunding: Massive 3D Printers And Powerful 3D Scanners

Maker News
Cool Crowdfunding: Massive 3D Printers And Powerful 3D Scanners

We receive so many pitches for crowdfunding projects. They pour into our inbox daily. Since crowdfunding is a bit of a gamble, it is always kind of hard to determine just how to write about these projects, considering that many of them may not ever deliver. Cool Crowdfunding is our way of sharing some of the ones that catch our eye. 

Remember, some of the crowdfunding projects from our previous Cool Crowdfunding collections may still be active! Go back and check them out to see if there’s anything you shouldn’t miss.

Matter and Form THREE

Matter and Form’s THREE boast the main selling point of being able to scan both tiny objects and huge objects. The interface is accessible by a web browser, which means you can use pretty much any computer/tablet/raspberry pi to access and control it.

Find it on Kickstarter

Elegoo OrangeStorm Giga

There’s not a whole lot to say here. This thing is just HUGE. Personally, I’m happy they used flexible build plates on it. I can’t imagine trying to pry a massive print off of glass like in the old days.

Find it on Kickstarter

Revopoint Miraco

Revopoints latest offering in their 3D scanner line is a full stand-alone 3d scanner. You don’t need a computer to scan, edit, and output using this machine.

Find it on Kickstarter

Starfield All-In-One SLA 3D Printer

The big pain in resin printing is that you have to print, then transfer drippy messy prints to a cleaning station, then to a curing station. The Starfield hopes to do all of that in a single machine, reducing the space needed to print as well as the mess in your shop.

Find it on Kickstarter

Co Print ChromaSet

This appears to be a bundle of tools that are refinements on the existing systems available on the market. There’s a tablet like the sonic pad that upgrades your systems as well as a multi-material extrusion system that works on existing printers.

Find it on Kickstarter

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I get ridiculously excited seeing people make things. I just want to revel in the creativity I see in makers. My favorite thing in the world is sharing a maker's story. find me at

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