We receive so many pitches for crowdfunding projects. They pour into our inbox daily. Since crowdfunding is a bit of a gamble, it is always kind of hard to determine just how to write about these projects, considering that many of them may not ever deliver. Cool Crowdfunding is our way of sharing some of the ones that catch our eye.
Remember, some of the crowdfunding projects from our previous Cool Crowdfunding collections may still be active! Go back and check them out to see if there’s anything you shouldn’t miss.
PocketStar – Keychain sized Retro gaming!
A tiny gaming console that fits in your pocket. Actually, this thing is so small it can hang off your keys and not even be a pest. Arduino compatible with WiFi and Bluetooth.
Jollylook Pinhole – The Instant Film Camera DIY Kit!
build your own vintage instant pinhole camera with this gorgeous wooden kit. Not only does it take pictures, it looks great too.
Time of Flight (ToF) Camera for Raspberry Pi
capturing 3d data is now possible for the Raspberry pi with this Time-of-flight camera from ArduCam.
Meow – customized convertible inclusive tech-fashion
Dr. Kitty Yeung has been sharing her interesting takes on AI assisted creation of fabric goods. This latest incarnation can include photos of your own cats!