Wow- the Sci-Fi channel is releasing mp3s to download and play during Battlestar Galactica containing commentary from Ronald D. Moore, executive producer.
When you synch your MP3 device, you’ll automatically receive any new commentary that’s been posted. Start playing each episode’s file when the words “The Cylons Were Created By Man” appear on your TV screen. Beeps will indicate when to pause for commercial breaks.
With podcasting becoming more accessible to both creators and listeners (we’ll have a great article about making your own in Make 02) I wonder how long it will be until we see all sorts of meta files that go along with TV, movies and more from fans. Mystery Science Theater was such a great show, it would be interesting to longtail the concept around. One example, there is so much “extra” information on the entire Star Trek property- I’d totally download a file from some uber fan who knows the name of the red uniformed guy about to get zorked. I bet you could even do a “text track” with a Media Center PC… Update: Marc Hedlund on oreillynet.com points out the same thing I was thinking.