Hi Crafters! The entry deadline has been extended to October 6th for Need a Tech Makeover. Just submit your story or nominate someone you love for a chance to win a $5000 tech makeover and training from the experts at Hot Hardware. And as a judge, we’d love to see some pictures or videos along with your entries!
Plus, you also be able to vote along on the entries along with us judges . Find out more about the contest details here. Good luck!
From the site:
Is there someone in your life insisting that fine technology, like fine cheese, only improves with age? Are you carrying a cell phone the size of a brick or trying to surf the net on a computer that fills an entire room? Does your mom or dad print e-mails and reply by phone? Is your best friend the only person you know who still listens to cassettes on a boom box or watches movies on a Betamax? Do you need a tech makeover? Does someone you know need one?
Intel invites you to submit your story or nominate someone you love for the chance to win a $5000 tech makeover and training from the experts at Hot Hardware!
To enter, register here and upload photos or video of the tech travesty in your life.
Tell us:
What do you (or the nominee) want to be able to do with technology that you can’t do now?
Where do you want to be able to use your computer, and why?
Why do you want to take your personal technology to the next level?