Fashion Inside Out by Daniel Vosovic – Ask Daniel Your Fashion Questions on CRAFT!

Former Project Runway contestant and fashion designer Daniel Vosovic has a new book due out later this month called Fashion Inside Out: Daniel V’s Guide to How Style Happens from Inspiration to Runway and Beyond. The book is a comprehensive guide on how to create fashion — from inspiration and design, to the technical process of pattern-making and sewing, and finally selling your work to a client and taking it down the runway. Interspersed in the book are Q&A’s from industry professionals too! There’s never been such a book like this before so I’m really excited that it will be out soon.
But wait, there’s more great news here! I’ve got an interview coming up later this month with Daniel V on the CRAFT blog. We’ll be talking more about this new fashion book and find out what he’s been up to lately. He’s also agreed to take questions from you our readers!
So, if you have a question on how to sew that perfect dress or what’s the latest fashion silhouette, please add your question as a comment to this post by Monday, October 6th, Noon PST and we’ll collect and consolidate the best ones for him.

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