Fine Tune Your Raspberry Pi Configuration with PiCon - Make: Fine Tune Your Raspberry Pi Configuration with PiCon - Make:

Fine Tune Your Raspberry Pi Configuration with PiCon

A Raspberry Pi with the stock OS, Raspbian, has a lot of different configuration options that are found in the config.txt file in the boot directory. While included raspi-config utility can help with some of these settings, it leaves a lot of possible options out. Enter PiCon, a Java-based configuration utility written by Raspberry Pi forum member avatar1337. The utility lets you fine tune your display and hardware settings to meet your exact needs. The cross-platform application saves a config.txt which you can upload to your Pi. On your next reboot, the settings should be applied.

According to other contributors in the forum, it’s even possible to run the application directly on the Pi itself, albeit slowly, with the embedded version of OpenJDK. However you decide to run it, it’s now a bit easier to get the settings just right for your next Pi project. [via Facebook]

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Matt Richardson is a San Francisco-based creative technologist and Contributing Editor at MAKE. He’s the co-author of Getting Started with Raspberry Pi and the author of Getting Started with BeagleBone.

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