Fun on the Set at Martha Stewart

As you probably saw from Becky’s post today, “The Martha Stewart Show” was all about World Maker Faire yesterday and several of us were on hand to be part of the audience. Representing Detroit, Nick Britsky (i3 Detroit) and I sat proudly in the front row watching all the great makers show off their hard work to the masses. And as you can see from this infographic I made, I got to spend some intimate time with Martha herself. Ok, ok. So there were a few other people in the audience, including Girlzilla. Ok, I didn’t actually meet her. But a girl can dream, right? And get a backstage tour? Oh, yes she can.
Here are a few of the highlights from hanging out on the set yesterday.

Down a hallway right by the stairs to the studio is a collection of photos of Martha as a model. Martha as a model – it’s a good thing.
Backstage Tour
I just about fell out of my chair when I found out I got to go on a backstage tour of the show. Photos aren’t allowed behind the scenes, so here’s a wee overview of what it’s like.
Of course, it’s busy as can be behind those two doors that open up to the audience. First off I’m greeted by the one and only Joey Kola, who comments on how much he likes my glasses (thanks, Joey!). When you walk in you see a hallway of props that leads you to a woodworking room and a craft prep area (which I wanted to transport to my house). From there you see comfortable makeup rooms and a kitchen to whip up snacks. Further down the hall you see a conference room with A LOT of Emmys. I thought it would be rude to take one, but Martha does have so many, who would know if I put one in my carry-on?!
As we were given the tour, Martha was meeting with her staff to get ready for the maker episode. I tried not to wave as I walked by; luckily I was kept in line by the fear of being asked to leave. Martha’s dressing room is amazing – looks just like something you’d see out of the magazine. There are several green rooms for guests as well as waiting areas and an additional kitchen.
I’m pretty sure this is all bigger than my house.
I shouldn’t have been surprised that the Martha set, both onstage and off, was covered with fun and whimsical Halloween pumpkins, like this one that greeted us in the audience waiting area. One can only imagine what Christmas will bring…
Yep, the show was definitely all about makers. Right after taking this picture, Joey came over and gave me a brand new set of Sharpie markers for having such cute glasses. ::swoon::
That’s all, folks. Joey says goodbye to the final guests leaving the studio.
Not a bad way to spend a Wednesday, eh?

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