Marque Cornblatt and Eli DElia are co-founders of Game of Drones, and inventors of what may be the toughest hobby quadcopter around. They’ve put their Action Sports airframe through its paces, by which I mean they’ve crashed it, flown it through fire, knocked it out of the air with water hoses, and even hit it with a shotgun blast. Their motto is, “If it flies, it fights.” They sell their airframe as a kit and promote drone combat and stunt flying events.
The Game of Drones team was at the Bay Area Maker Faire this year, and will be coming to World Maker Faire in New York this September presenting drone combat and related aerial sports. Come and check out the action. If you think you (and your drone) have the right stuff, you can pre-register to join the games in their combat arena.
To learn more about Marque and Eli and Game of Drones, check out the Game of Drones website or visit their Facebook page.