Get Your Custom Hot Wheels Entered In Our Hot-Mods Contest - Make: Get Your Custom Hot Wheels Entered In Our Hot-Mods Contest - Make:

Get Your Custom Hot Wheels Entered In Our Hot-Mods Contest

Maker News
Get Your Custom Hot Wheels Entered In Our Hot-Mods Contest

Did you know that Hot Wheels have been around for 50 years? To celebrate the golden anniversary of the popular wheeled toy, Make: has teamed up with the Mattel to host a custom Hot Wheel contest. We’re looking for the coolest modified and customized Hot Wheels out there, and of course we want to see how you did it! Not only will we be looking at your creations, but actual designers from Mattel will be looking as well.


Get your entries submitted on the contest page by November 30th for a chance at one of these cool prizes.

Grand Prize

display case

A Red Line Club exclusive 3D-printed prototype Steam Punk Truck

  • the Mattel Model Shop’s certified, handmade working model of the brand-new 50th Anniversary Steam Punk Truck (released in October at the Hot Wheels Collectors Convention) created by famed Hot Wheels designer Larry Wood. Built in the U.S. by hand, this resin prototype features moving parts, Real Riders wheels, and comes carefully packed in an engraved wooden crate within a sturdy, stamped fold-open box. Only 250 were made! More pics and specs here.
  • Project write-up in Make: magazine. Winner must to be able to submit original photos, and additional content as required by Make: editorial staff. Projects may be considered for profiles, round-ups, overviews, or in-depth how-to’s.


Runners up prizes:

Runners Up (12)

One retro reissue original “Sweet 16” Hot Wheels car — the 50th anniversary special reissue HWC Original 16 Custom Eldorado!

The 1967 Cadillac Eldorado was heavily redesigned, creating a much slicker version of a luxury car. Notice the headlights? No, because they were hidden behind vacuum-operated doors. The Custom Eldorado made the inaugural Hot Wheels lineup in 1968, and now returns— — in its first release since 1971! — in the HWC Original 16 series.

This edition features an opening hood, a Spectraflame magenta finish with matte black roof, and Neo-Classics Redline wheels. More specs and pics here.

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I get ridiculously excited seeing people make things. I just want to revel in the creativity I see in makers. My favorite thing in the world is sharing a maker's story. find me at

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