One giant leap for mankind. The Final Frontier. A galaxy far, far away.
Since the dawn of recorded history, we’ve had a fascination with the cosmos, measuring it from the ground for eons, examining it through optics for centuries, and exploring it in person and with robots for decades. In fact, there may be no greater, grander maker story than that of developing the technology that can bring us closer to the stars. These endeavors truly highlight the pinnacle of our ingenuity and engineering capabilities.
It’s hard to find someone that isn’t captivated by stories of space, and for the holidays, I find space-themed gifts to be the most fun to shop for and to give, working perfectly not just for aspiring Commander Hadfields, but even for the typically science-averse. This list of maker-focused space-related gift ideas will give smiles while encouraging young (and old) minds to continue to grow outwards and reach for the stars.
See all our 2013 holiday gift guides here.
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