Are you a hackerspace member? We want to know about cool projects you are working on, or have completed, tools you’re using, fun stories about your space and its members, best practices you’d like to share with other spaces, etc. Say you build a new CNC mill–we want to hear about it! Maybe a member is organizing a Mini Maker Faire, has designed a cool robot, or has built something beautiful out of wood. We want to cover all of these things. Send it to johnb@makezine.com or tweet me at @johnbaichtal and I may be able to post it. Also feel free to subscribe to my hackerspaces Twitter list.
Vocademy Makerspace to Open in Riverside, CA
Congratulations to Vocademy on their incipient launch! This looks amazing.
Makerspaces/hackerspaces have been spreading all over the world, and finally, Southern California will have its own 15,000-foot maker playground. This fully equipped, membership-based community workshop, called Vocademy, is the brainchild of Gene Sherman, a maker for the last 35 years.
What exactly is Vocademy? It is a place to create, to learn, to share, to build, to inspire, and to connect with others who have similar interests! Vocademy has all the tools, equipment, and people to help make whatever may be desired. Vocademy’s goal is to provide a safe, positive learning environment, where many, different hands-on skills are both taught and applied.
The journey to opening day has taken over a year, and now Vocademy is ready for staffing. Gene is in search of the best experts and assistants to guide and teach its members. Once at full capacity, Vocademy will include a wood shop, metal shop, fab and welding, sewing and crafts, 3D printing and scanning, electronics lab, and much more!
Fix It Milwaukee at Milwaukee Makerspace
Milwaukee Makerspace, along with the Milwaukee Area Time Exchange and Milwaukee County, will be hosting a fixit clinic at the space.
We’ve got a great team of volunteers who are skilled at troubleshooting and fixing everyday items because, well, we do it ourselves all the time. Many appliances can be fixed with the simple replacement of a switch or wiring repair. If things like computers or bikes or torn clothing seem beyond your skills to get back to 100%, we’re here to help.
Bring your broken things to Milwaukee Makerspace on Saturday, Aug. 10, 2013 between 12 noon and 4pm and we’ll do our best to get them working again. (If we can’t fix it we’ll give you our best advice on what to do next.)
[thanks, Pete!]
LVL1 Makerships Offered Year-Round
Louisville’s LVL1 hackerspace is offering rolling monthly makerships that grant deserving makers three-month free memberships and project funds so they can work on cool stuff!
Starting this August, LVL1 will be offering one Makership a month, every month, until our Makership endowment funds run out! The LVL1 Makership program allows us to provide free LVL1 membership and project funds to a Maker with a big idea but limited resources. Makership applicants propose a 3-month long project which they need LVL1 resources to make! Each month LVL1 selects the top project proposal and award them the Makership. The runners up will have an opportunity to roll their proposals into the next month’s round, or modify the proposals as desired. Follow this link for more detailed information LVL1 Makership program.
The deadline to apply for the makership is midnight on the last day of the month.
Artisan’s Asylum Partners With a Rock-Climbing Gym
More spaces should do this!
We’re thrilled to announce our partnership with our new neighbor, Brooklyn Boulders Somerville!
More than just a rock climbing gym, Brooklyn Boulders (BKB) Somerville offers a new type of community space that blends state-of-the-art climbing with art, culture, music, and entrepreneurship.
We’re excited to collaborate with BKB Somerville to enrich the communities of Somerville, Cambridge, and the greater Boston area with programming that encourages creativity and innovation through physical problem-solving and fun!
See announcement for more details.
Dallas Makerspace Mentioned On Fox 4′s Good Day
On June 3rd, Dallas Makerspace members Greg Needel, Otto Wagner, Gus Reiter, and Romeo Espana were on Fox 4′s Good Day to demo the Trivia Vending Machine they made for the Red Bull Creation 2013. Greg Needel also got a chance to give a great summary of what DMS is all about.