This coming Monday, Feb. 24 at 2pm PST, Kevin Kelly (founding executive editor of Wired, former editor/publisher of the Whole Earth Catalog, and founder of the excellent tool review site, Cool Tools) will be chatting in a G+ Hangout with Tim O’Reilly about a number of interesting things, centered around the topics of makers and cool tools.
Kevin explains:
Tim is the founder of O’Reilly Publishing, and a early promoter of open source everything. At the dawn of the internet, Tim published the Whole Internet User’s Guide and Catalog, which did a pretty good job of rounding up and reviewing everything of note on the internet at that time (mid 1980s). It was inspired by the Whole Earth Catalog’s “access to tools” mantra, later the inspiration for Cool Tools. Recently, Tim was instrumental in launching the Maker movement and Maker Faires, which further promote tools to make stuff for everyone.
Tim and I will talk about the lineage of Whole Earth, Whole Internet, Cool Tools, and Make. There seems to be a thread of amateur enthusiasm, do-it-yourself and hacker ethic. Or maybe we have this wrong. Tim is a techno-philosopher with great observations on the role of tools in society. I expect it will be an intense conversation.
Sounds interesting. I’ll be watching! More info here.
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