Homemade Funfetti Recipe


There’s a lot to be said for the virtues of store bought cake mixes, but when Molly Yeh of My Name is Yeh gets married this year, she’s decided that her funfetti wedding cake has to be made from scratch and devised her own homemade funfetti recipe for it.

At first thought, a homemade funfetti cake seems like an easy task: Just fold a bunch of sprinkles into a vanilla cake and wham bam, you’re done.


Funfetti is not that simple. Funfetti is a complex being who has issues because when anyone tells him to just act natural, he fails. The secret to funfetti is that funfetti in his most natural element is, in fact, slightly artificial.

So if you’re feeling festive, and maybe a little nostalgic, this recipe seems like a fascinating way to explore the idiosyncrasies of a box mix cake from your childhood!

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Artist, writer, and teacher who makes work about popular culture, technology, and traditional craft processes. http://www.andrewsalomone.com

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