This is neat, how to make your own phosphate free laundry detergent Gowithflo writes –
I wanted to
A. Save money
B. Be ecologically phosphate freeIf you learn from my mistakes your results will surpass mine in both respects, I am sure.In addition to my clothes coming out “so fresh and so clean, clean” it was a very satisfying and aesthetic making process!
You will need:
- Food processor
- 1 bar laundry soap like Fels Naptha “or” Zote, “or” Ivory – Zote can be found in hispanic grocery stores
- 1 Box Borax – found in the laundry aisle
- 1 box Washing Soda or Oxi Clean, or Baking soda – (Washing Soda AKA soda ash AKA sodium carbonate available in some grocery stores made by Arm and Hammer or you may find it art supply stores in the dyeing section)
- OPTIONAL- essential oil of your choice, I didnt do it but I think tea tree might be nice.
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