In a knowledge economy, it pays to hang out with people who are smart and creative. You’ll be better informed and the first to know about useful news. Building your own personal network of smart and creative people brings benefits to yourself as well as to the common good. Yet, what are the best techniques for locating the smart and creative people on Twitter? This screencast I made passes along some tips.
After creating this screencast, I realized I left out some of the smartest educators on Twitter. Here are some the educators on Twitter that regularly deliver the goods: Sylvia LibowMartinez, AnnMarie Thomas, Kevin Honeycutt, Vicki Davis, Tom Whitby, Adam Bellow, Audrey Watters, Lisa Thumann, Larry Ferlazzo. Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach, Steve Hargadon, Mary Beth Hertz, Chris Lehmann, Alec Couros.
I also follow people who are interested in design. The most interesting design guru on Twitter is John Maeda, who for good reason is heading towards a half million followers. Who else should have I included in this blog post? Leave your suggestions in the comments below.