Hydroponics – at home and for beginners

Hydroponics – at home and for beginners

Trebuchet03 has a good “getting started” article for those interested in Hydroponics – “What is hydroponics? Basically, growing plants without the use of a traditional dirt medium and using a nutrient rich water solution. Those mediums range from fiberglass to sand and from fired clay balls to nothing at all. Several branches of hyrdoponics include aeroponics (using air as the grow medium), aquaponics etc.

How do I get started? Well, you can buy a kit – but its going to cost you… a lot. Or, you can improvise and create your own kit to suite your needs. My local hydroponic supplier’s cheapest multiplant kit is $185, does 8 plants but is not very versatile and is very compact. It uses the ebb and flow method. They also offer a single pot (bucket) bubbler system for $50. We are going to combine these two systems into a more versatile and much cheaper system.”Link.

Grow your own salad – AeroGardens – Link.

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