In the Maker Shed: Diet Coke & Mentos Kit - Make: In the Maker Shed: Diet Coke & Mentos Kit - Make:

In the Maker Shed: Diet Coke & Mentos Kit


Recreate the Internet sensation in your own backyard with the Diet Coke & Mentos Kit! Fresh from their performance at Maker Faire, the guys at EepyBird have hand crafted replica PVC nozzles just like the ones they use themselves. Each kit contains a variety of nozzle cuts to give you the coolest, highest shooting geysers. We’ll even throw in a pack of Mentos to get you started (Diet Coke and totally sweet lab coats not included).

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The Maker Shed is brought to you by Maker Media, the makers of MAKE Magazine, the Maker Faire, and much more.

Launched originally as a source for back issues of MAKE Magazine, the Maker Shed expanded rapidly to meet the demand for 'projects in a box,' otherwise known as kits. Now we have a little bit of everything for makers, crafters, and budding scientists, from Arduinos to sock monkeys to chemistry sets .

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