Amidst the flurry of excitement that was Maker Faire earlier this month, one thing that got overlooked in my own NYC backyard was the Grand re-opening of north Brooklyn’s community hackerspace Alpha One Labs. Thankfully PC Mag’s Chris Snyder & Edward Schneckloth stopped by to interview founder Sean Auriti and member Robert DeLanghe. Like any maker- or hackerspace, the video below is only a sliver of the activities their members engage in. In addition to offering laser cutting services and teaching about the RepRap Project, Alpha One Labs have also taught classes in churning butter, iOS programming, converting engines to run on waste vegetable oil, circuit bending, lockpicking, and more. In June they’ll have a CryptoParty in addition to continuing to build out their new space on Meeker Avenue in Greenpoint.

Think you have what it takes to create the next Google Glass? With the proliferation of hackerspaces (also known as makerspaces) in cities across the country over the past few years, you no longer need loads of cash or exclusive access to certain technologies to see your vision become a reality. We had the opportunity to visit one such space and talk to the minds behind it.
Read more at PC Mag.