iPod nano - Make: iPod nano - Make:

iPod nano

iPod nano

Dsc06001Tn-1Here’s my quick review of the iPod nano along with some photos of accessories that work and do not work. The iPod nano has replaced the iPod shuffle for audio listening, it’s tiny, screen is great, it’s all the things I liked about the iPod photo, but in an impossibly small form factor. While it doesn’t run podzilla (yet) and it doesn’t have the little accessory port to control and power things like fm transmitters, remotes, etc…it’s a great little device. So for now, my 2g podzilla running iPod and the nano are in my bag and the old photo iPod when I need to offload stuff from a camera. Here are some photos…Dsc05987-1
Camera connector, doesn’t work.

You can’t charge/share with a shuffle.

Belkin photo adaptor, no worky.

These Macally speakers work fine, as expected.


Most of the chargers still seem to work.

Can’t share/charge via photo connector as expected.

iPod photo, nano, shuffle.

iPod timeline.

Pound of pods.

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