Jalopy Junktown

Jalopy Junktown

Mr. Jalopy has a ton of great articles in MAKE, and now he has a great new blog about his adventures in making and finding, here’s a good one – “The feature that keeps the Junktown readers coming back for thrilling updates. Each week, the most compelling item from garage sales is photographed. Please take a moment to consider this striking and remarkably sturdy gas can. Note the bold stamped X and ripples on the side to add strength to the structure. Even GAS is not a paint stencil, but an integral embossed element. The seams are welded with beautiful, perfect TIG welds. A more graceful handle I can not imagine. A gas can for connoisseurs.” [via] – Link.

He’s right, that’s a nice can.

Bonus: Mr. Jalopy’s garage on the Discovery channel.

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