Following in the footsteps of Makerbeam, an open-source building set which got its funding on Kickstarter, and loom designers OSLoom, which got funded the same way, we have Lasersaur, a project to make an affordable laser cutter and then release the specs so that anyone can build one or improve on the design.
Here’s the thing. Laser cutters are traditionally expensive ($30,000 to as much as you can spend) and there are a lot of artist, hackers, architects, designers, DIYers who could do great things with them- if they could afford one, or even get regular access to one. Pretty much anybody who is a maker could benefit from a laser cutter. Unfortunately, turnkey systems are expensive, and there isn’t really a clear and simple way to build one. We can change this: with roughly six month of R&D time we can develop a laser cutter which anyone can build, use, and maintain. Most importantly this system will be open source which means anyone can improve and modify the design.
Everyone should be able to have a laser cutter! Our goal is to design a 100W machine which is capable of cutting 1/2″ (12.5mm) acrylic, wood, multiple layers of fabric or thin sheet metal.
Think the project is worth supporting? Make a pledge by July 8th.