This weekend, you can make a power tool drag racer! With some time, an old power tool, and some ingenuity, you’ll be set to race in no time!
For my racer I went to Goodwill and bought an edger for $10 and two sets of inline skates for $5 each. For everything else I just used scrap from around the workshop … and a squirt gun! I found inspiration for my racer from Jeremy Franklin-Ross’ drag racer Instructable, which he has allowed me to reproduce in the PDF. You can follow these or get as far out as you like! Jeremy is a co-founder of Hazard Factory and CultureMob, and his instructions for putting together a basic racer will get you on the track in a weekend!
Although the Seattle and San Francisco races have already happened this year, you can compete in Amsterdam at Robodock.
Download the PDF here! – Link