Our 8th annual Maker Faire Bay Area is coming right up, and we need your help spreading the word. If you love Maker Faire as much as we do, why not join our street team? We’ll send you a packet full of flyers and postcards, you post them up in your community, and we’ll hook you up with two adult day passes to the Faire. Win win!
To join the team, send an email to streetteam@makerfaire.com with your name and snail mail address.
We’ll send you a Maker Faire Street Team Kit, which includes:
• 25 fliers
• 75 postcards
• 10 business cards (with both our Bay Area and New York dates)
• 5 buttons
Please do your best to post the Maker Faire materials in high traffic venues (and please be sure to ask for permission when appropriate, as we definitely want to respect the property of others).
Here are some great places to post flyers and place postcards:
Bookstores • Coffee Shops • Cafes • Toy Stores • Hobby Shops • Craft Stores • Restaurants • Scrap Stores • Community Centers • Hackerspaces • Tech Shops • After School Programs • Garden Centers • Thrift Stores • Schools • Churches • Hardware Stores
When you’ve completed your Street Team efforts, please email us:
1. Three clear pictures of locations where you placed Maker Faire flyers and/or postcards (email pictures to: streetteam@makerfaire.com )
2. Let us know where you posted the materials (city/store/school/café/etc.)
3. Your mailing address so we can send you TWO ADULT DAY PASSES!
Please send us all the above information no later than Tuesday, April 30th so we can get your tickets in the mail in time for the event.
Seen above and below are images that street team member Todd Kaiser of University of California Davis sent us last year (thanks Todd!), as well as the flyer for this year’s Faire. Thanks in advance for your help and support, and see you at Maker Faire!