Make & Craft Magazines Embrace
Recycled Paper
— All future issues will feature 30% post-consumer recycled content paper —
Our Benevolent Overlords at O’Reilly Media have announced that future issues of both MAKE and CRAFT (starting with volumes 12 and 5 respectively) will have 30% recycled paper content (up from the 10% currently being used). As Dale Dougherty put it:
“We’re always encouraging our readers to make the most of what they already have–to find new uses for things they might otherwise throw away,” explained Dale Dougherty, Editor and Publisher of Make and Craft. “So when it comes to recycling–why not take that advice ourselves?”
Yay trees, breathable air, and conserved power! Yay O’Reilly Media!
Make and Craft Embrace Recycled Paper – Link