This past Thursday, a bunch of us took a field trip to the house that Leo built, the TWiT Cottage, in Petaluma. We were: Dale Dougherty, founder and GM of Maker Media, Mark Frauenfelder, editor-in-chief of MAKE, Gareth Branwyn, editor-in-chief of Make: Online, Sherry Huss, director of Maker Faire, Shawn Connally, director of digital media for MAKE, and Gretchen Giles, publicist for O’Reilly Media. It was fun and Leo Laporte was gracious and enthusiastic as always. Hope we can explore ways of doing more with the TWiTs, if nothing else, getting Leo to come to more Maker Faires. He was a big hit in Detroit. Thanks for the hospitality (and the lunch) Leo and staff!
You can see the webcast or download the audio at the link below.