James Powderly sat down with me and walked me through the process of making throwies. They are easy to make and fun to throw on things. Graffiti Research Labs brought in a bus and they let people make throwies to throw on things. In this video, James explains that throwies are more than little lights to throw around. GRL takes it conceptually deeper by exploring political issues around prison time for graffiti artists and bringing those issues to communities in a gentle way.
There is a lot going on in the background of this video. The Graffiti Research Lab at the Maker Faire was busy!
Previous Throwie Articles: howto, throwie talkies, on/off tabs, and motion sensitive.
Thowie instructions and interesting discussion is over at instructables and for subscribers, here is the Digital Edition Throwie Article
I used a few seconds of footage from two GRL videos that you can watch here and here. Both vids are great. Go watch them too!
Click here to get the video (MP4) delivered automatically with iTunes. This video will play on PC/Mac/Linux/PSPs and iPod video devices – Link.