Make: Talk 009 - AnnMarie Polsenberg Thomas, Squishy Circuits - Make: Make: Talk 009 - AnnMarie Polsenberg Thomas, Squishy Circuits - Make:

Make: Talk 009 – AnnMarie Polsenberg Thomas, Squishy Circuits

Make: Talk 009 – AnnMarie Polsenberg Thomas, Squishy Circuits

Here’s the 9th episode of MAKE‘s podcast, Make: Talk! In each episode, I interview one of the makers featured in the magazine.

Our maker interview this week is with AnnMarie Polsenberg Thomas. She’s the director of the Design Laboratory at the University of St. Thomas. Prior to that AnnMarie was a faculty member at Art Center College of Design. She’s one of the most playful professors I know — she created a course called The Science of the Circus and she actually learned to juggle and perform circus stunts. She’s designed underwater robots and she also is the creator of something called Squishy Circuits, which she talks about in the interview.

Before the interview with AnnMarie, I chat with MAKE’s senior editor, Goli Mohammadi (left), about the special monkey she received in the mail this week.

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Mark Frauenfelder is the founding Editor-in-Chief of Make: magazine, and the founder of the popular Boing Boing blog.

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