Make The World Better And Win Big In Hackster’s Latest Contest

Maker News
Make The World Better And Win Big In Hackster’s Latest Contest

Hackster and ETHzurich have teamed together to host the Build2Gether inclusive innovation challenge. They’re calling on your maker skills to improve the world by making things more accessible to people who have disabilities.

With over $40,000 in prizes up for grabs, this contest will surely be getting some attention from the maker community.

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To get involved, you need to go pitch your contest on their site. In order to help make some of these projects come true, Hackster is giving away 250 development boards to qualified applicants, so be sure to check that possibility out as well!

Hurry up, time is running out. Go read the full rules and get your project entered today!

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I get ridiculously excited seeing people make things. I just want to revel in the creativity I see in makers. My favorite thing in the world is sharing a maker's story. find me at

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