MAKE Volume 26, Karts & Wheels, On Newsstands NOW!

MAKE Volume 26, Karts & Wheels, On Newsstands NOW!

If you’ve been waiting patiently for your local newsstand or book megalomart to get in their copies of the latest MAKE (Volume 26), it’s here! So, step onto your homemade Segway, into your gasified truck, or climb onto your three-story freak bike, and get down there while supplies last. We made this issue just for you! It’s all about cool karts and wheels, as well as the usual awesome offerings. Check out some highlights:

Build and drive a Red Racer Drill Kart powered by just two cordless drills and your trigger fingers. Build the world’s simplest long board skateboard by bending plywood. Put a mini gasoline engine on a bicycle. Assemble a brain-teasing mini propeller cart that outruns the wind that powers it. Weld together the Weekend Warrior soapbox racer—the winner of our recent Karts and Wheels online contest—strap on your helmet and five-point safety harness, and race downhill at highway speeds just inches above the road.

In addition to karts and wheels, you’ll find plenty of other projects:

  • An aquaculture tank for growing fresh spirulina algae “superfood” in a sunny window
  • An addictive pocket electronic sound looper that lets you play wild rhythms using just two knobs and one button
  • A mesmerizing fire tube with dancing flames that keep time to music and make sounds waves visible
  • An introduction to “biosensing,” the unconscious signals generated by our bodies and brains, including a “Truth Meter” project that detects stress and a “Brain Blinker” that lights LEDs based on your brainwaves
  • A self-watering planter based on an Aztec design, and a fruit juicer based on an ancient Egyptian design
  • A tutorial on how to add buttons to various electronics devices in order to control them better

Buy it. Subscribe.

MAKE Volume 26, Kart & Wheels

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Gareth Branwyn is a freelance writer and the former Editorial Director of Maker Media. He is the author or editor of over a dozen books on technology, DIY, and geek culture. He is currently a contributor to Boing Boing, Wink Books, and Wink Fun. His free weekly-ish maker tips newsletter can be found at

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