The Maker Faire production crew has been preparing all week. Sets and stages have been built. Communications and power have been put in place. Finally, everything is ready to go.
It’s set-up day. This morning, the gates opened for makers and sponsors to check in and set-up their exhibits. The grounds are filled with sounds of tools, forklifts, and the occasionally noise of Arc Attack performing a sound check.
Everyone is getting ready for the gates to open to the public tomorrow morning. It takes a huge amount of work it takes to get here. Last year, there were about 110,000 attendees at Maker Faire Bay Area. This looks to be even bigger.
This evening, makers, crew and sponsors will get a chance to rub elbows and enjoy the traditional paella dinner. For now, everyone is busy and excited. Tomorrow: It’s showtime!
Here’s a look at the day before Maker Faire: