Maker Faire Bay Area opened Saturday with an ever-exuberant crowd of tinkerers, experimentalists, artists, hobbyists, and of course, makers. Check out these snapshots of the first day’s festivities, from our photo editor Jeffrey Braverman and photographer Gunther Kirsch.
And come out and play with us this weekend — Maker Faire runs all day Sunday as well, 10am to 6pm. It’s not to be missed!
OMG Jellyfish by Billion Jelly Bloom in Fiesta Hall.
The modern day cowboy.
Michael C. Gard’s Lift features wire sculptures lit by LEDs and suspended by helium balloons.
Shawn Thorsson’s ED-209 in all of its glory.
This giant sculpture doubles as a 3D, 180-degree video screen that pulses with light, color, imagery and sound.
The robot guardian of the Drone Arena in Expo Hall.
This alien spaceship model from Independence Day is a creation by Randy Nuebert of VoodooFX.
Everyone loves pinball!
Orion asks his father Nick Donaldson of Got Robots? why ghosts have chains.
Schuyler St. Leger shows off his creation.
Intel jumps for joy at Maker Faire.
Stepper motor controlled draw bot creating an electronic circuit with Circuit Scribe.
Zolie Mae and Karydis of Empire of Dirt.
Roy the Robot welcomes people to Maker Faire — and tells a really bad Star Wars joke.
Christian Phillips and his father, Gary, from San Carlos learn to solder.
Acme Muffineering coalition
An Acme Muffineering driver inspects the decorations of his cupcake car.
Always a delicious sight!
Delighting young and old with tons of bubbles.
Chasing bubbles outside Expo Hall.
Make: Community Editor Caleb Kraft tries to start a wave.
Make Founder and CEO Dale Dougherty leads the crowd in the count down.
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Escape to an island of imagination + innovation as Maker Faire Bay Area returns for its 16th iteration!