Thanks to Ian Lesnet of Dangerous Prototypes for covering Maker Faire Tokyo 2012 for us. Ian and Dangerous Prototypes are regulars at Maker Faire in the US (don’t miss his how-to video on being a maker at Maker Faire!), and he has now made a habit of attending or participating in all the Asia Maker Faires as part of his work travels.
Here’s Ian’s thoughts from Day Two:
There were extended hours today, but still not enough time to see everything. We let the massive current of faire-goers carry us from the main floor to the craft, music, and light exhibitions upstairs. Like yesterday, the projects were delightfully geeky. From computer motherboards replicated in needlepoint to musical slime, don’t miss the weird and wonderful sights that make Maker Faire Tokyo so memorable.
[make_slideshow slug=”maker-faire-tokyo-day-two” title=”Maker Faire Tokyo 2012 – Day Two” link=”Watch Ian’s Slideshow”]
In addition to Ian’s fantastic photo survey, here’s a few other good ones I found via #MFT2012 on Twitter:
- Kuratas, Japan’s largest robot, and crew (by r_auto_tokyo)
- Excellent Maker Faire Tokyo and MAKE swag (by laikaxx)
- Food truck scene (by ocrock)
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