I’m so excited to be visiting Maker Faire Rome this year for their 10th anniversary. This event is going to be absolutely monumental! One of the most fun things about attending these events is finding cool stuff and sharing it with the world.
Tune in this weekend, October 7-9 for a Live Blog experience. I will be wandering around the Maker Faire, taking pictures of things and sharing them and their stories here on the makezine.com blog all weekend long. There will be one long post that I update frequently.
If you’ve never seen a Live Blog before, check out this example from the last time I attended!
During the event I will be doing short video interviews to show the cool projects people are doing, and let them explain in their own voice. Since you’ll be following along live all weekend, feel free to reach out and let me know if something looks soo cool that it needs it’s own video! Of course you can also find a full list of the exhibits right here if you want to get a head start!