Maker Faire Rome is coming very soon and I’m super excited to be able to attend. this year they’ve gone through some extra steps to expand the Maker Faire beyond what they’ve done in the past. One way they’re doing that this year is to have a whole series of events based purely around music!
Even though I’ve been to Italy several times, sadly I can only barely speak or understand the language, but music is magic! Having three days of music centered events is going to be a delightful experience that I can’t wait to enjoy.
Check out this schedule and get your tickets today!
2.00 pm Teho Teardo presents: Cadence Féminine live + Studio Clichè
Cadence Féminine is a piece taken from Ellipses dans l’Harmonie (Lumi al Buio), the latest work by Teho Teardo entirely inspired by the music contained in the pages of Diderot’s Encyclopédie and D’Alembert, the affirmation of the need for light in the face of new obscurantisms, increases the narrative force thanks to the visual work of Studio Clichè.
15:00 Teho Teardo presents: Cadence Féminine live + Studio Clichè (replica)
16:00 TALK. DJ Stile presents: The contemporary relationship between images and sound. Starting from the cinema through every type of sound experimentation as it has happened in the history of the visual arts, the talk traces a path made of words and sounds masterfully manipulated live by DJ Stile, which reaches up to new languages, which from time to time transform due to the historical context, places and technological innovations.
2.00 pm NAIP presents: Nel Cantiere + Studio Clichè NAIP Nel Cantiere because “it is the way I dedicate myself to creativity, the construction site never closes and then the construction site because it has to do with the sounds I use, noises of work in course that become sounds and, finally, construction site because this is a finished show under construction. ”
15:00 NAIP presents: Nel Cantiere + Studio Clichè (replica)
16:00 Festinalente Dischi Showcase Decomposer + LIZ – AV Show. Decomposer is a musical and audiovisual experimentation project created by Agostino Maria Ticino, one of the founders of the Marchigiano Synth Museum and producer of music for film and TV (Amazon, Rai, Sky). His new show has found the perfect partner in LIZ, an audiovisual artist who has been involved in research and video expression of music content for years.
2.00 pm Samuel presents: Babbaluci live + Studio Clichè Samuel presents Babbaluci, a performance that with the video and light design of Studio Clichè becomes exclusive for Maker Music. An electronic set in which, accompanied by Alessandro Bavo, music and voice will add up in an electronic and sunny performance. The sound spread 360 degrees around the audience, together with the immersive videos are a unique listening experience, a totally new way to listen to the groove of Samuel’s music.
15:00 Samuel presents: Babbaluci live + Studio Clichè (replica)
16:00 Festinalente Dischi presents: Festina Lente Ensemble with Ominostanco / P41 / Rive
Festinalente Ensemble with Ominostanco / P41 / Rive is a collective project that finds in improvisation the formula to create electronic fabrics dictated by intuition and the man / machine relationship .