MAKE’s new “Maker Projects Guide” is on sale at newsstands today! Our growing number of Maker Faires around the world (100 and counting) have become the engine that drives the diverse and ever-expanding maker movement. At the heart of these events are the projects makers bring to show off and inspire others to create. With that in mind, this 112-page special issue is is all about makers and the projects they make. It’s loaded with 42 projects–some new, some classics, and all chosen to bring out the maker in you.
The range of projects includes Tesla coils, bleach stencil t-shirts, a high-powered water rocket, a stroboscope, and a secret knock-activated gumball machine.
Since it’s Maker Faire season, we’ve also included an “inside Maker Faire” photo essay of Maker Faires near and far and past and present. In addition you”ll find profiles of makers like Luke Iseman, Steve Hoefer, and William Gurstelle who cite Maker Faire as an ongoing source of inspiration.
Head on down to your bookstore or newsstand to get your copy and start making! Or get yours in the Shed.