Maker Faire Detroit, Austin Crafty Limits

I’ve been at SXSW Interactive the past week and had the chance to meet some of my crafty online friends in between panels. Not only did I get a thrifty tour of Austin from Jennifer Perkins, CRAFT’s very own Rachel Hobson took me to Stitch Lab for peek at one of the most gorgeous sewing centers I’ve ever seen! Check it out.

I’m a big believer that crafters are pretty savvy online folks; how often do you chat with other crafters online?
Maker Faire Detroit
Something to think about, midwestern-ers! Make sure to keep July 31 and Aug. 1 on your calendars. We’re looking for some awesome volunteers and people who might like to teach something to potential DIY folks. More details to come, but put your thinking caps on. You can always drop me a line here to get involved! And remember – it’s not too late to get your proposal in for the Faire!

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Escape to an island of imagination + innovation as Maker Faire Bay Area returns for its 16th iteration!

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