First and last name
Chloe Palmer and Aimee Palmer
Where are you located?
What is your day job?
Prop fabrication
Twitter | Etsy | Instagram | TikTok | Discord | Twitch
What kinds of stuff do you make?
Video Game props and decorations
How did you get started making stuff?
Me and my sister have always been very arty and creative and it originally started when we made some cosplays, it grew from there.
What is something that you’ve made that you’re really proud of?
I’ve painted a highly detail statue of Lilith from a video game called Diablo 4 which I am incredibly proud of. We’ve also made large light up treasure chests for a promotion which was an incredible experience.
What is next on your project list?
Currently making stock and display items for an event in July.
what is something you’d like to work with but you haven’t yet?
Halo Armour as a cosplay, we have made a helmet but not a full cosplay.
Any advice for people reading this?
Never give up and always push past the hurdles, you can do it and will be incredibly proud when you do.