New in the Maker Shed – Brain Machine kits!

New in the Maker Shed – Brain Machine kits!

Brainmachine Mitch

Build a DIY sound and light device to stimulate your mental state –

Hack your Brain! Get comfortable, put on the glasses and headphones, close your eyes (the LEDs are bright!), and flick the power switch. Enjoy the hallucinations as you drift into deep meditation, ponder your inner world, and then come out after the 14-minute program feeling fabulous. Sound and Light Machines (SLMs) produce sound and light pulses at brain wave frequencies, which help people sleep, wake up, meditate, or experience whatever state of consciousness the machine is programmed for. With this kit you will build an SLM for much cheaper than you can buy one. You’ll do it the easy way, by hacking a microcontroller project that already exists: Adafruit’s Mini-POV kit which you can transform into an SLM simply by changing the firmware and some minor hardware. As seen in Make Vol. 10! Many, many thanks to Mitch Altman!

These are a lot of fun – everyone who tries mine wants one for themselves! – Brain Machine Kit

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